Texmacs image size
Texmacs image size


So I need to find out what texmacs does to export the. ps back to my 11.04 machine and ran ps2pdf and it So TeXmacs on my Ubuntu 11.04 produces enormous. ps and it came only to 99MB instead of 279MB - that's a big


Pstopdf and it produced a 42MB pdf as before so I don't think ps file to an ubuntu 10.04 machine and ran Now I need to work out how/why texmacs gets the images emitted inĭifferent forms. maybe pstopdf recognized the "colorimage" form and Is 50% bigger, but does not directly explain how this should cause a That would account for the difference in size of eps, and why the. Which appears to be perhaps a based64 style encoding of the bitmap. Those on 10.04 have the bitmap defined like this: Those on 11.04 have the bitmap defined the with loads of lines like Larger than those fed to gs on 10.04, and have a different form. I note that the eps files fed to gs on Ubuntu 11.04 are usually While : do ln *eps x/ ls -l x sleep 0.1 done With the help of this script running in my. I propose quite strongly that qt_image_to_eps() not be used. but when I take away qt_image_to_eps() the -dPDFSETTINGS makes aĭifference to the size of the pdf and quality of embedded images. Think that -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer or -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen made anyĭifference to final pdf from the. I'm also willing to swear in a very general sort of way that I don't Too clever that results in enormous files which often render badly. So the culprit is qt_image_to_eps() on Ubuntu 11.04 doing something Imagemagick is being used, so it is interesting to note that USE_GS isĬonvert is better than QT and produces 158MB of. I disabled that particular function and now the "convert" program from The problem seems to be that since I re-build TeXmacs under Ubuntuġ1.04, qt_image_to_eps is being used to generate the eps in


Only have a short code path to investigate to find the true cause. However disabling use of qt_image_to_eps did stop the problems, so I Face: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwCAMAAABg3Am1AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAADxQTFRF NTdQY2Z/i286eHFugnNXoJBwm5GCs5VeoqO0ua+fwLCQ4c2q19C81NDF4eLr/unQ/PTf/fXW+/rq /f/7XKo76wAAAAlwSFlzAAALEwAACxMBAJqcGAAAAi9JREFUSMetloGSqyAMRVsFNAQkxP//15cE 62rFdt/MZqbTVu/hBhLEx/qf8fgDIAN455wHyPk7wCIe9nA+fwGSH87hgD8AHPfRpy2GwdMtcBh+ mg4Ech9Ih+RNixJKDLEL0GF8VLkSojePHrDlryNijbFW8zBg8PUKbBOI6D1WCV5Rf2DzxCtgBlMs tRRVW5LyVW3ew1TfAZZ6RcQicpb4yZmaC74DJADK6BdATOrUAbJzsZie+K22ZnEBknNYysvhVH6u 1X8CqAe4DuANoPoOrAbsHXUARJ5knc5z4EyyTnHoAqj7xvkYIdk65AwhyEZKMusOIDV2QQQaCnDQ gBiDR3RdIEb5CBESt2wgQJI0Yx/Agphg1MgNsD+QkszM9wHVPx/PeQOW+fmcR9DF8+4C圜JhCuP8 fDzmBbLqs8JzMODqYNfDvKhoGYM2lDosy5jlRozccRAgrPM8iygQS3Mv87IugUgKlC7NZ6liuy4r uresVq5QuQAr09ZKEga8OkluyKXeQ6Bs3SrtqgC1pWLNqAfwDhBnB+sK8OrVL4D4h1B4zWPWhJhu gPUHKA5EwSMYUMsdQK+UKDhIOTSHeg+8HCoTOGtB/gwcl4mSdGybwXegPWhM/RHYKwchkckhUNMX 6j7ueQNScLbZZOPRxaADyO2UQCJpl7wbnE6gQ+ksWjpngxOwF1tF5ecP3R6KB+AQxPfHLncQ+nKw 06fhu68OTIfJ869eTtg22l+9zfwDK3mKl5BFHMYAAAAASUVORK5CYII=Īll lies! qt_image_to_eps is not a qt function but a texmacs function -Īnd further, it is responsible for the "colorimage" format I was so.The program can insert mathematical functions, images, and tables, as well as pre-formatted tables of contents or glossary and lemma fields. To conclude, TeXmacs is a good solution for anyone in need of a unified editor for structured documents. An overall powerful program for editing technical papers Once satisfied with their projects, users can create HTML, XML, PDF or LaTeX output documents. There are numerous other special functions that make this program a good solution for creating rich text documents and the overall feel is that of a complex editing platform, geared towards more technical needs. 'Underline', 'strike through', 'subscript', and 'superscript' effects can also be added, alongside footnotes or hyperlinks. More standard text formatting options are also available, such as the ability to add bullets, dashes or arrows, as well as numbering functions based on several layouts. Apply 'underline' and 'strike through' text effects Many other built-in functions support this statement, such as the ability to insert automatic lists of figures, tables of contents, and glossaries.

texmacs image size

The comprehensive platform is thoroughly well-adapted to working with mathematical formulas and algorithms, as the target users are those belonging to the scientific community. More-so, one can also insert ready-formatted boxes for specific scientific content, such as propositions, lemmas, proofs, remarks, and acknowledgements. The program's strong point and distinguishing feature is its holistic approach towards editing text files, in the sense that one can add virtually any common or uncommon elements, such as images, tables, equations, and animations. In the latter category one can include TeXmacs, a unified and powerful editor for structured documents. Text editors come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, from simple note generators to advanced suites comprising complex formatting algorithms.

Texmacs image size